Rental FAQ

Q: How do I determine the best solution for my business?

A: Partnering with us is an important first step. We spend time learning about your business and how your specific operation works. Then we use this knowledge to develop customized solutions. It may be as simple as spending five minutes discussing application and results desired, or it may require a site audit to determine the best, cost-effective system. In any case, we will design a system that provides the results you need now and prepares you for the future.

Q: How should I charge my portable radio?

A: All portables require a battery to supply power to the unit. If the batteries are charged correctly, the units will provide a longer period of operation. Plus the life of the battery will be increased. It is always best to turn off the radio prior to charging and, when possible, drain the battery prior to charge. Never transmit when the portable is in the charger. Charge the battery for a full cycle, typically meaning a normal charge time of 10 hours for standard charger and one hour for rapid chargers. Never leave the battery in a charger for extended periods.

Q: Is an FCC license required to operate two-way radios?

A: Yes. All business frequencies require an FCC license. We provide our customers with all details necessary for a valid FCC license. We can assist in obtaining a license and will help determine which frequency to use and which service best suits your operation of two-way radios. Systems that are operated as SMRs or wide area trunking may be licensed by the system owner and do not require the end user to apply for a license.

Q: How much do portable radios cost?

A: The cost of portables range from $300 - $1300 depending on such variables as: Quality, Durability, Battery Type, Frequency, and Features.

Q: What is the range of portable radios and what’s the difference between UHF and VHF?

A: Coverage is reliant on power, antenna height and terrain. On-site portable radios will typically cover from 1 –3 miles in radius, while wide-area radios can offer coverage up to a 30-mile radius from the repeater site.

Due to the characteristics of radio waves, UHF radios generally offer better building penetration and therefore are ideally suited for indoors as well as for areas of high building density (cities). VHF radios are better suited for areas where there is vegetation, where the signal can pass through objects. For this reason VHF radios are ideal for outdoor use. Where the application requires a combination of indoor and outdoor use, a UHF radio is preferable.

Your sales consultant will know by your specific application which radio will best fit your needs.

Q: What are the benefits of a two-way radio versus a cell phone?

A: Cost and Dispatch Capabilities.
Push a button and be connected to one or one hundred individuals. Two-way radios are easy to use with a push-to-talk feature, which enables the user to communicate instantly with anyone on the network. Two-way radios are designed to be utilized in extreme conditions and offer rugged features. Flat monthly fee with no per minute airtime cost, unlike cellular phones. Low monthly costs, which include unlimited talk-times.

Q: What is the WAVE two-way radio?

The WAVE two-way radio is a nationwide platform consisting of two-way radios, cell phone applications and dispatch consoles available to rent and deploy available for short term and long term events

Ready to Get Started?

Our team of two-way radio rental experts are prepared to assist you in designing the ideal communication system tailored to your requirements. Tell us about your event and we can recommend the best product at a competitive price.

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